Revolutionary War Myth: American Flag’s Maker

What do you know about Betsy Ross? She made the American flag in 1777, right. Here is a very strange question you might not answer so easily. Did Betsy Ross sew the American flag? This leaves people stumped when they enter Betsy Ross House (which is in Philadelphia on Arch Street).
From what I have read, her grandson raised the flag a century after she made it. It is the only evidence historians can find. They can’t find the evidence that Betsy did make the flag. There is even several reasons that she just might have made it. Unfortunately, this leaves many people with their own conclusion.

Revolutionary War Myth:Decoration of Independence Draft was made by more?

This one is probably going to blow your mind when you hear it. Some say that the Decoration of Independence when it was drafted by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams. I know, right, it blew your mind. Now this is my opinion, it was made by Thomas Jefferson.

Revolutionary War Myth: Did Paul Revere Ride with a Partner?

You may not know this is really a myth. Many people say that Paul Revere did actually ride with a partner, not alone. Lots of people believe this actually happened. No one can prove it, since we can’t build a time machine and to the past to find out ourselves.

Summary of Life: Patrick Henry

Patrick Henry was born on May 29, 1736. In the Old Style, Patrick would be May 18. Patrick died on June 06, 1799.
Patrick Henry did many amazing speeches before the Revolutionary War. One which I already told you was Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Patrick did other speeches to. The speeches gave the people support to stand up for their freedom.
Another thing, you may not have known this, but Patrick was also a lawyer. He did many cases, and won. In 1774, Patrick was able to go to Continental Congress’ meetings. The rest is history.